Gallotti&Radice was the first company in Italy, right from the early seventies, to promote their love for the studio and the use of glass within furniture arrangements. Other people and companies later followed suit. This fact, presently and only naturally provides an advantage, but at the same time, also signifies a sense of responsibility in light of culture and specifically, design. Gallotti&Radice is aware of this, and has presently assumed the task and role of continuing, keeping alive, the development of « genuine » glass designs. Glass, which is simultaneously extremely fragile and strong, transparent and unchangeable, light and enduring, must be tackled, by those designing architectural arrangements, with sincere respect and careful handling, with authentic poetry (which is true creativity as the Greek etymon confirms) and with intense discipline, with patience, reverence, tenacity. With love.
Glass and associated workmanship
The term glass become commonly used to indicate extremely high quality glass panels, with flat surfaces which are perfectly specular. The « float » process is used: the fused glass is drained from the oven into a watertight float. The glass floats on the liquid surface and levels out until it becomes a strip with parallel aspects.
Gallotti&Radice, with its vast experience working with glass, adopts various techniques and technologies when producing semi-finished goods which are subsequently used to achieve the end products. Two different production lines, one highly industrialised and one focusing on handcraftsmanship associated with traditions, characterise the Gallotti&Radice work cycles: on one hand, production achieved using high-level technologies and sophisticated automated mechanisms (water jet cutter, industrial grinder, sheet tempering, cleaning and translucency procedures) enable the achievement of modular and multiple components, square and simple shape sheets for serial and standard products. Keeping the tradition alive with protocols with a handcrafted feel in order to offer a customised service, providing sought after forms, exclusive solutions, relying on the experience amassed throughout the years, where expert hands work the glass with care and knowledge transforming it into a design product.
Made in Italy
Gallotti&Radice designs, creates, transforms and produces solely and fully in Italy. The end products demonstrate excellence, quality of details, finishes and forms. This is possible thanks to the experience which the Company has gathered over the years, constantly growing with a well-defined objective: to produce objects designed to withstand time.
A connection with the territory
Gallotti&Radice respects the territory in which it operates and pays specific attention, even when it comes to selecting its suppliers, which are all local, the majority of which, located in the large district of Brianza, which for many years has been working in the furniture sector, with mastery and excellence.
Consideration of the environment
Glass, aluminium, steel, represent the main materials which characterise Gallotti&Radice production (100% recyclable materials). One of the most important advantages of glass in terms of sustainability is, quite different from other materials, it can be fully recycled. The collection, separation and transportation may influence the feasibility and environmental impact of the glass recycling. The levels of contamination determine whether the glass will be used to produce floats, containers, fibreglass or aggregates, an aspect to which Gallotti&Radice pays lots of attention.
At the same time, the collection, separation, recovery and disposal processes of aluminium, steel, brass, paper and cardboard and all other workmanship rejects are handled with extreme care.
The awareness of ecological matters and respect for the environment was heightened in 2010 when Gallotti&Radice created a photovoltaic panel system which guarantees production of clean energy, producing 86,500 KWh per year.