For almost 50 years, we have been designing and producing the most demanding design pieces of furniture in our manufactory in Immenstaad on Lake Constance: dining tables, coffee and side tables of natural stone, wood, glass and metal, in part with patented extension mechanisms. Our portfolio is completed by formally matching chairs and benches with different functionalities and forms. At present we are exporting to 50 countries worldwide. We are particularly well-known as experts for natural stones with a huge stone-park where 180 kinds of stone from all over the world are permanently available. We also offer a wide choice of different types of wood.
Renowned projects have already been carried out with DRAENERT furniture in the public, office and hospitality sector.
In our modern workshops, master stonemasons, carpenters, varnishers, locksmiths and upholsterers manufacture dining tables, side tables, chairs, counters and single pieces of natural stone, glass, wood, metal and leather.
As a result of our expertise, we are in a position that enables us to implement – besides our existing DRAENERT-collection – individual designs in accordance with architect specifications. DRAENERT has 60 staff members and cooperates with renowned designers from Germany and beyond. Our owner-operated company will celebrate its 50